Wow! It's been a month since I've posted anything. My computer is virus free (for the moment), and is as fast as it was the day I got it. Thanks Chris! It's amazing!!
This has a been a heck of a year. My dad had back surgery. Went to Cali to visit with JerBears daughter and family from Chicago. Had a major computer virus a few months back. Got my first look and hugs and kisses from Katrina's little boy Braden. My daughter Jackie and family came out. My grandson Larry made my heart stop a few times (he has no fear of anything). My good friend Lucia came out and stayed with us. Joined a gym and gained a couple of pounds.....we went to Cali for Thanksgiving, visited with JerBear's sis and daughter and family, came a virus. Had Christmas. So here it is New Year's!! I'm so happy to have my computer back. I got an Android a couple of weeks ago and it really saved me. I could check emails and Facebook, but it was hard to see (need new glasses) and sometimes very frustrating.
I made a few necklaces and a couple of bracelets for friends, and now am working on a couple of pairs of earrings for JerBears boss and daughter.
I love the look of dark patina'd copper with leather. Any color leather. I've been working with those two for a little while now and have had excellent feedback.
Have a Happy New Year!! See you next year!!